The App development blog of Simon Monk, CTO of Meme IDE the cross platform development tool for Android, WM and IOS apps. free download from

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Feed us feedback and win $250 of Amazon Vouchers

This week we are starting a feedback competition awarding the user who provides the most feedback on our IDE an Amazon e-Voucher for $250.

As Meme IDE has now been out for a couple of weeks now and we are continuing development to make it better, this is where you can influence its development and get something out of it…
How do you submit feedback?
There are numerous ways you can submit feedback that will be counted…
  1 - Direct emails to –
2pt for each relevant comment stated
2 - Post in our forums -
General post/ new question, 1pt
Bug notification, 2 points
Feature request, 1 point
3 - Complete our short survey, 4 points
(leave your email connected to your meme account in the comments) 
4 - Write a review/article of meme IDE on your blog/site and send us the link- 10pts
This incentive will run for 3 weeks with counting concluding on the 18th of July, so get submitting!
The feedback table for beta users can be viewed on our homepage and will be updated frequently. The latest version of Meme IDE is available for download here.

Happy Points Gathering

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Meme IDE is one of several cross platform integrated development environments allowing application developers to build and develop applications for Windows Mobile 6.5, Android and iPhone based around an Eclipse framework. 
Where this one differs is in its unique programming language, MemeScript. A cohesive language constructed of elements of other main languages C#, C++ and Java. Taking the best of what they have to offer and removing everything else to make app development easier, simpler and quicker .
Launched in beta the IDE allows mobile app developers to build applications for Windows Mobile 6.5 and Android 2.1+ , the IOS platform will be added in the full release with plans also intended for the inclusion of Blackberry.
Meme Apps also offers cloud-based services for packaging, testing and distributing software applications developed on the Meme IDE platform, these will become available in the products full release at the end of the beta period along with paid for business support options. However this beta release is free for users to download via the website.

In partnership with Momote Ltd, Meme Apps was founded in 2010 by experienced Mobile Application experts. The team includes business and technological leaders with a proven history in developing, designing and deploying mobile application technologies and support.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

latest beta update available

The latest beta version of Meme IDE is available for free download here.

In these early stages of beta we are frequently releasing updates, below are this weeks fixes
Defects fixed in MemeIDE release 1.5.0 Dolomite (9th June update)

Modified validation of Records to start with a upper case letter, records are also validated against Meme Keywords.

Modified validation of dataspace variables to start with a lower case letter, dataspace variables are also validated against Meme Keywords.

Android Checkboxes now Set state on a specifed variable.

Android/Windows Mobile Checkboxes now support on-change events.

Meme Core function setSelection for List controls is now compatible with both Android and Windows Mobile platforms.

Form Name validation has been modified to disallow spaces in name property.

Windows Mobile platform generation now handles complex conditional if statements.

Android build version has been updated to api compliance level 7 (2.1).

Thursday, 2 June 2011

meme ide - end to end tutorial online!

103 the end to end 'expenses example app' tutorial is now uploaded and available here
It is an indepth video that will guide you through every stage of your app build.

meme apps - Survey Memekey

As you know we are under going a community based release and we want to hear what you have to say about Meme IDE and any feature requests you may have...

 click here to give us your input